What the RDL?!

Ever been confused about the differences between certain movements that seem to be similar

on the surface, but when you break them down, they are actually different?

Or maybe you didn’t know that there were differences?

Here, you are going to learn what the difference is between the Romanian Deadlift and the Conventional Deadlift,

and why one maybe programmed over the other.

Romanian Deadlift (RDL) Vs Conventional Deadlift:

Watching someone perform these movements, you may think that they look the same…

But they have many differences, hence why one is programmed over the other.

The RDL is done by starting in the standing position. The knees are straighter as this lift is

performed, and as you hinge at the waist, the weight, whether it be a barbell or dumbbells,

stop just below your kneecaps to mid shin. This deadlift targets the muscles of your posterior chain

specifically - this includes your hamstrings, glutes, and lower back. It forces you to work on your hip drive,

as the weight does not go all the way to the floor, and it also encourages you to work on your hip flexion

because of the movement beginning in the standing position.

The Conventional Deadlift is done by starting the lift from the floor. The plates of your barbell

will touch the floor with this movement. This deadlift targets your entire body. Yes, you read

that right! Because it is begun from the floor, one must activate every single muscle group in

their body in order to have a safe, efficient lift.

So why would you choose one over the other? While both deadlifts work the entire posterior

chain, the RDL specifically targets the muscles of your posterior chain while the Conventional Deadlift targets the musculature

of the entire body, and the RDL uses. Because of the differences in the body mechanics (and muscles used) of each

movement, one can typically expect to lift more weight with the Conventional Deadlift, and therefore the conventional deadlift

is better for working on overall strength.

When you see RDL or Conventional Deadlifts programmed on the board for a workout, now you

have an idea of what the intention is behind Kari programming such movement. Everything is

intentionally programmed at the GLP so that you can live a more mobile, healthy, golden life.


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