How to Create a Self-Care Routine That Actually Sticks

How will you prioritize your self-care this week? Hopefully you (or your coach) are posing this question each week. Evidence has proven that we live our best lives, our Golden Lives, by prioritizing our values. Have you considered aligning your self-care with your values? Seeing if that’s what it takes for the routine to actually stick? Let’s break it down.

1. Lead with Intention a.k.a. Your Values 

Before you start adding things to your self-care routine, take a step back and ask yourself: What do I want? What do I need? What is important to me? What do I value? Balance? Structure? Meaningfulness? Joy? Empowerment? Strength? Peace? Gratitude? Clarity? Energy? Self-care isn’t about what you do—it’s about what will truly serve you. 

2. Keep It Simple..Stupid ;)  

The best self-care routine is the one you can stick to. Write down the things you already do well, and build from there. Here’s a few self-care habits that you are likely already doing: brushing your teeth, taking a shower, drinking water, eating dinner, etc. Then build from there. 

Habit-Stacking is a concept I learned about in the book Atomic Habits, and I have found it to be super successful in building a self-care routine. Stack a new habit on top of or below something you already do. For example, go for a run right after you brush your teeth or meditate right after you eat dinner, etc. 

Self-care habits can also stack on top of or below other habits or to-do’s - meetings, dropping off the kids at school, walking the dog, etc. 

Self-care habits also don’t have to be complicated or lengthy, they just have to serve you. Things like, 10 minutes of silence/reading, cleaning out a cluttered drawer, packing your lunch for the day, etc. 

3. Build Structure & Flexibility

A self-care routine without structure is just an idea. Instead of saying something like, I want to meditate more, get clear on exactly what your self-care routine will look like in a single day or week.

Write it down, add it to your calendar, make a chart for your refrigerator. Whatever works (or has worked) for you is what will make you most successful. 

And, be flexible! Flexibility comes in two flavors: behavioral and cognitive, otherwise known as physical and mental flexibility. So if what you're doing isn't working, change your approach. Instead of being stuck in rigid patterns, if you can adapt you’ll increase your chances of success. Being flexible in how we think allows us to shift perspectives, reframe situations, and see more possibilities.

The goal isn’t perfection. It’s progress. It’s about knowing what tools you have and using them in the way that best serves you in the moment.

4. Check In & Adjust as Needed

Every few weeks, take a moment to reflect, either on your own or with your GLP Coach: 

  • Is this self-care routine helping me feel better?

  • What’s working? What’s not?

  • Do I need to adjust based on my current season of life?

Just like our prioritization of values, our prioritization in what we do for self-care should evolve, ebb, flow and change with the seasons of life. What worked last month might not be what you need today. Stay adaptable. 

Need help establishing a self-care routine that sticks? Reach out to your GLP Coach today and schedule your monthly 20-minute coaching session! We are here to support you in living your best life, your Golden Life!


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