How does the glp program?
Great question! For all coaching sessions - both individual and group, strength & conditioning (S&C), nutrition or anything in between - we always lead with the same thing: our values (Golden Rule #2!!)
The GLP was founded on the values of Intention, Empowerment and Connection. Using these 3 values, let’s take a dive into our programming process specifically for our Group S&C sessions and see what we find out…
Intention - Each of our members has a goal, or a few, that they are working toward. It is our job at The GLP, as both their coach and community, to support them in achieving it. How do we do this with our programming? We first look for commonalities amongst our members’ goals. For example, one member may have the intention of building strength for longevity while the other may want to build strength for confidence and then another may build strength for growth and progress (a.k.a gainz, baby!). These goals all require the same thing: building strength! They just have a different intention. This is where as coaches we can align with our members’ intention by tailoring the general daily program to the individual member. Longevity? More reps, less resistance! Growth? Less reps, heavy resistance! With the proper knowledge and preparation our coaches can customize our daily program for just about anyone.
Our second layer of intention in our programming is characterized by the four foundational movement patterns - Squat, Hinge, Press and Pull. With the members’ goals in mind, we aim to hit each of these movements 2-3 times each week. After all, these are the movements you do all day, everyday! We will stick with roughly the same program for about 3 weeks at a time, as this allows for proper adaptation and progression for all aspects of the program (each movement, each interval type, each modality, etc.). Our intention here is to teach safe, functional movement, and provide you with lots of options in case the one we are doing doesn’t work for you.
Empowerment - Our program is set to the average ability of our members. Our coaches are equipped with ways to amp it up or slow it down for you. So, be empowered by your choices and ask for what you need! Whether it’s a strategy for how to get it done or someone to move right alongside you to set the pace. This is your coaching session. Our coaches are here for you!
Also, the program isn’t impossible - it’s empowering! It is curated just for you. We believe in each one of our members abilities and take careful consideration of this when programming each week.
Community - How do we roll all of this science-y stuff up into community? By adding in some fun! Our program is mostly intentional and empowering, but it is also just meant to be plain fun. This way we can high five as we complete our reps, bond as we run around the block and laugh as we synchronize our movements. We build community when we work together and support each other towards our goals, all while having fun.
If you have any questions on our programming, please ask me!
Thanks for reading,
Coach Kari