Monthly Coaching Session


 Are you ready to align your nutrition and your lifestyle? Coach Kari will help you find balance, peace and progress with your food. 

She will lead you through a customized, step-by-step nutritional coaching process that works for you! Her combined social, emotional and science-based approach to nutrition will shine light on all of your areas of opportunity. Coach Kari incorporates both her scientific knowledge from her various coaching certificates, especially her Precision Nutrition Coaching Certificate, with her vast experience as a coach for a variety of clients. She uses self-made tools and techniques for you to employ in real-time throughout your nutritional coaching journey together, collecting progress updates at check-in meetings along the way.

You may opt to meet for Individualized Coaching Session or a Group Coaching Session. These sessions will serve to educate and inform about awareness-based nutrition. Setting you up for nutritional success for life!

Ready to get started? Click here to schedule a call with Coach Kari. Together, we will design a Lifestyle & Nutrition coaching program program to get you where you want to be. Hybrid coaching programs, to incorporate other coaching pillars such as Strength & Conditioning and Motivation, also available.

“Kari has helped me realize how certain foods and routines were holding me back from achieving some of my goals, and she's provided personalized advice for breaking habits, adjusting my mindset, and simply replacing less healthy foods with better choices.

Working with Kari throughout the past year, I have improved my relationship with food, increased my self confidence tenfold, and thus enhanced my overall daily mood and interpersonal relationships.”

Kelley, Golden Life Client

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